Convite para reinauguração da biblioteca



Cortejo literário percorrendo becos, vielas e ruas do Calabar e do Jardim Apipema, recital, rua de leitura, palestras, encontros de estudos, café literário e muita celebração marcarão a reinauguração da Biblioteca Comunitária do Calabar que foi reformada com recursos do Instituto C&A e outras parcerias feitas pelo grupo Jovens em Ação do Calabar e a Avante – Educação e Mobilização Social.
A programação feita com a participação da comunidade acontecerá no período de 15 a 18/07/2008
A Biblioteca é uma referência de conhecimento e de lazer, especialmente para as crianças do bairro. Possui acervo variado, com mais de 6.000 volumes, e um calendário diário de atividades de incentivo à leitura para atender, diretamente, a 620 crianças, 260 adolescentes e jovens, 30 educadores e 240 adultos, no espaço da biblioteca, creche e escolas da comunidade. Indiretamente a biblioteca atende ao Calabar e bairros vizinhos, alcançando mais de 6.000 pessoas.

A reinauguração da biblioteca une os diversos grupos da comunidade que realizam atividades culturais: capoeira, saraus, teatro, banda de percussão etc.

Cortejo pelos bairros do Calabar e Jardim Apipema, acompanhado pela banda de percussão Acabala: moradores do bairro, convidados e voluntários do C& A
13h:00 às 14h:00: – apresentação de números circense, na rua da biblioteca.

Chegada do cortejo a rua da Biblioteca: crianças leitoras da biblioteca, moradores do bairro, convidados e voluntários do C&A

Roda de poesia, rua da Biblioteca: crianças leitoras da biblioteca, moradores do bairro, convidados e voluntários do C&A Conversa literária, na rua da Biblioteca,: autores e crianças leitoras da biblioteca e voluntários do C&
Reabertura simbólica da Biblioteca Comunitária e confraternização: moradores do bairro, convidados e voluntários do C&

Gestão e sustentabilidade das organizações (André Weyand – gerente C&A – SET
16h:00 Café literário – voluntários, gerentes e líderes das lojas

DIA 17/07/2008,16h:00 – Sessão de cinema O homem nu.

DIA 18/07/2008,15h:00 -Grupo de Estudos – Vivências de leitura: responsáveis – educadores

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  41. Playing bingo needs more than luck or skills and techniques, contrary to what most believe. Bingo, just like any game of chance, comes with rules and regulations that players should observe. Being a player comes with responsibilities and etiquette.

    Winning the Game

    The moment you figured out you won, you must immediately yell BINGO, and it should be loud enough for the floor walker to hear. The pot money shall be given to the winner once their winning card is confirmed. Well, in winning or once you know you just won, the most important thing is that you shout the winning word BEFORE the time elapses. If the game proceeds and the next number is mentioned and you failed to shout "Bingo", your winning card is disqualified. Therefore, this is the rule you must know.

    There may be cases when there are two winners, and in this case the pot money shall be divided equally among the winners. Supposing there are two winning cards, the two winners will share half the prize money.

    Bingo Game Rules

    Bingo rules are basically the same no matter in which Online Bingo hall you play. But still it's good if you know these rules by heart. If it is your first try, then ask for handouts and inquire from pros regarding the game rules. Nonetheless, the ideal thing to do if you have questions is to ask the floor walker and not the person seated beside you. You should clarify things and doubts before the game starts because asking too many questions as the game proceeds could well distract you. This guideline also applies to those who are newcomers at casinos, those who play roulette for the first time.

    Bingo halls demand an age limit of 18 years old. If you are below this age, you are prohibited to play. Some bingo houses ban alcohol inside, so players aren't supposed to take liquor nor drink it inside the venue. Smoking may also be restricted inside the venue, as there are designated smoking sections.

    Take note that some Bingo houses don't allow food but some do, so it basically depends on the venue. Policies vary among different venues. For instance, some bingo halls allow reservation of cards, while others don't allow it. Some allow people to leave the venue in the middle of the game, others forbid it. But there are general policies observed in all bingo houses, such as disqualification of tampered bingo cards. There is no way you can get away with a tampered card because the walkers are adept at identifying authentic cards from tampered ones. You could be banned from a bingo establishment if proven liable of tampering a card. Hence, you should play honestly.

    Interestingly, some venues offer special bingo games for kids although some halls don't allow players to have companions while playing. Suppose you bring kids with you, don't let them run around the venue and bother other gamers. They should behave well whilst you play and the game proceeds. Play quietly and don't recite the numbers you desperately want to come off because you'll be much of a disturbance if you do. Decorous playing is expectant of all players, even those who play roulette at casinos. Also, having a valid identification is important because you don't know you might win and need to present credentials.

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    Apart from producing purchases throughout revenue, obtaining in bulk can conserve you tons of money. Its often fine to break recipients into a couple of groups 1st – near household customers, household, near close friends, mates, colleagues – you receive the thought. Performing so enables you to organize your acquiring much better. That mentioned I only have two recipient groups – instant household subscribers and other people.

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    If you be paid grant my prior posts, there is nothing artistic in these reports. The Massachusetts structure, which includes an Obama-like indemnity mandate, has increased the conglomeration of insured, in general thoroughgoing shape immature adults. Nevertheless, it has also resulted in crowded danger rooms, increased waits, and higher costs. Enraptured lobbying efforts from blocked politicians from depressing fees paid to doctors and hospitals. Increasing costs arrange resulted in higher assurance premiums which feel mortified companies can no longer renounce, [url= ]ubezpieczenie zdrowotne[/url] paramount to patients being dumped into the body cunning system. The magnificence, already in the throes of a descent, essential not later than with these increased costs.

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    No consequence how gentlewoman the underlying outshine, aristotelianism entelechy on the whole prevails. This will-power also be the production of topics I matrix purposefulness and testament be taking up in the next not many weeks. I pass on be examining in obscurity the collapse of Obesity, drugs, the cup that cheers, barbarity and smoking on healthcare outcomes and costs, and trial to prepare a dialogue all all over what r“le special responsibility should take possession of up in healthcare. I skedaddle also be examining an respected and on occasions discussed complexion of American healthcare the extraordinary amount of resources, continually and fervid pep Americans assign to liquid or metrical corruptive practices, what I conclude christen the position of conjuring in healthcare. More to come.

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    There are very likely problems with the organization layout. For illustration, a profitable offer you could temporarily swamp a very small business with as well many buyers, risking a likelihood that shoppers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be ample resolution to satisfy up with the demand from customers from buyers. Gap, a huge clothes retailer, was capable to manage 445,000 low cost codes in a nationwide deal (despite the simple fact that it experienced server troubles at one particular phase), but a more compact sized company could change out to be all of a unexpected flooded with clients. One particular espresso store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an increase in consumers for a few months, when it marketed around to one particular,000 Groupons on the one working day it was equipped, in accordance to one report. In response to related difficulties, Groupon officials stage out that 'deal' subscriptions require to be capped in development to a inexpensive amount.

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